Thigh Lift

Embrace the Confidence to Show Off Your Legs

Introduction to Thigh Lift Surgery

If the term “thunder thighs” feels all too familiar and you find yourself longing for a change, an inner thigh lift might be the solution you’ve been seeking. This specialized procedure addresses the natural laxity and drooping that occur over time, resulting in smoother, more contoured legs. Dr. Newman offers tailored thigh lift (thighplasty) options, including inner thigh lifts that can be combined with other procedures for comprehensive cosmetic enhancement.

Benefits of a Thigh Lift

  • A thigh lift is ideal for addressing sagging or flabby skin on the thighs, often resulting from aging or significant weight loss. The procedure not only smoothens the skin but also brings a harmonious proportion to your thighs and lower body, offering:

    • Enhanced leg contours

    • Smoother, firmer thigh skin

    • Improved lower body proportions

Expectations and Healing Time

  • Post-surgery, expect to unveil tight, beautifully contoured thighs that make you feel confident in sportswear or jeans. While some scarring may be visible depending on the incision type, most patients observe significant improvements within weeks to months after the procedure, enjoying:

    • A sleeker, toned lower body appearance

    • Confidence in a wider range of clothing options

    • Reduced skin irritation and increased comfort

    Healing involves several weeks of rest, with the first 6-7 days marked by fatigue. A compression garment is recommended to support healing and reduce fluid accumulation, alongside potential drainage tubes and prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection. The majority of swelling and bruising typically diminishes within 3 weeks.

    Who Should Refrain: Patients with conditions like phlebitis, prone to keloid scarring, or unaware of the procedure's limitations may need to consider other options.

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