Correction of Portruding Ears

Achieving Balance and Symmetry

Cosmetic Ear Surgery for a Balanced Look

Cosmetic ear surgery, or otoplasty, offers a solution for individuals with protruding ears, unusually large ears, or abnormally shaped ears. This procedure is beneficial for both children, ideally around the age of five or six when ears are near full development, and adults, with no upper age limit as long as health permits. Otoplasty can also be performed in conjunction with facial rejuvenation treatments like facelifts, enhancing overall aesthetic harmony.

Woman showing side profile with well-positioned ears for Newman Plastic Surgery, Temecula
Profile view of an individual with aesthetically pleasing ear shape for Newman Plastic Surgery

The Otoplasty Experience

Otoplasty primarily addresses protruding ears by repositioning and securing the ear closer to the head through an incision hidden behind the ear. While children typically undergo this surgery under general anesthesia, adults have the flexibility of choosing from intravenous sedation or local anesthesia, tailored to individual comfort and combined procedural plans. The goal is a natural-looking correction that avoids an overly pinned back appearance.

Recovery and Long-term Satisfaction

Post-surgery, a protective bandage is applied for about three to four days, followed by the recommendation to wear a headband, such as a hair or ski band, to safeguard the ears during sleep for several weeks. This is particularly crucial for children to protect against curious peers. The headband not only guards the ears but also supports the newly positioned cartilage as it heals, ensuring the durability of the cosmetic enhancement and the satisfaction of a well-balanced appearance.

Content patient with natural-looking ear correction for Newman Plastic Surgery, Temecula

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