Forehead Reduction and Hairline Lowering

Sculpting Your Ideal Forehead Contour for a Balanced Profile

Enhancing Facial Proportions

Concerned about a large forehead or a high hairline creating an imbalanced facial appearance? Forehead reduction or hairline lowering surgery offers a solution to create a more proportionate and balanced facial aesthetic. Whether it's a congenital high hairline or an aging-related change, Dr. Newman's expertise in forehead reduction can help achieve a more youthful and harmonious look.

Woman with a lower hairline post-forehead reduction for Newman Plastic Surgery, Temecula
Patient showing results of hairline lowering surgery for Newman Plastic Surgery

Customized Surgical Approaches

Depending on individual needs and goals, patients can choose from surgical hairline advancement or hair grafting techniques. Surgical hairline advancement involves removing skin adjacent to the hairline and repositioning the scalp to lower the hairline, while hair grafting adds layers of hair in front of the existing hairline to reduce forehead size. Each method is tailored to provide the most natural and satisfying results.

Swift and Satisfying Recovery

Most forehead reduction surgeries allow for an outpatient procedure, ensuring a quick return to daily activities. With options available for varying scalp types and the potential for combining procedures for enhanced results, patients can anticipate a significant improvement in their facial balance. The journey to a more proportionate face is seamless, with Dr. Newman guiding patients through each step towards achieving their aesthetic aspirations.

Enhanced forehead profile after reduction surgery for Newman Plastic Surgery in Temecula

Start Your Journey to a New You!