
Define Your Contours

Defining Precision in Chin Contouring

Embrace the transformative journey with Kybella, the pioneering FDA-approved injectable specifically designed to tackle submental fullness or the unwelcome double chin. This groundbreaking treatment leverages synthetic deoxycholic acid, mirroring the body's natural fat absorption process, to precisely target and dissolve fat cells beneath the chin, ushering in a refined and rejuvenated profile.

Defined jawline after Kybella treatment for Newman Plastic Surgery, Temecula

A Personalized Path to Enhancement

Kybella stands out as the definitive solution for adults seeking to rectify moderate to severe chin fullness. The destruction of fat cells under the chin ensures a permanent reduction in volume, achieving your envisioned aesthetic without the need for further intervention. Your journey with Kybella marks the end of an era for fat accumulation in the chin area, promising enduring elegance and an uplifted self-image.

Your Health, Our Priority

Before embarking on your Kybella treatment, a comprehensive consultation with our healthcare provider is essential. Discussing your medical history, any planned facial procedures, and your current health status ensures a safe and effective treatment plan tailored just for you. Kybella's precision and adaptability make it an unrivaled choice for those dreaming of a more defined chin contour, free from the shadows of submental fullness.

Start Your Journey to a New You!