Crooked Nose Surgery

Harmonizing Your Profile

Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment

Discover the cutting-edge technique transforming the approach to correcting crooked noses. This advanced method enhances the surgeon's ability to diagnose and treat the structural issues with precision. Aimed predominantly at addressing common concerns in men, often stemming from sports injuries or natural development, this technique offers a new hope for those seeking to rectify a twisted nasal appearance and its associated breathing problems.

Before and after shots of crooked nose correction by Newman Plastic Surgery
Refined nasal profile after corrective nose surgery for Newman Plastic Surgery, Temecula

Addressing Functional Concerns

The journey to correcting a crooked nose transcends aesthetic enhancement, delving into the vital improvement of nasal breathing. Patients reporting severe distortion or obstruction find relief not just in a restored facial harmony but in the normalization of breathing, sleeping patterns, and overall well-being. Our approach holistically targets both the visible misalignment and the underlying septal deviations to unlock a dual benefit: cosmetic refinement and functional restoration.

A Closer Look at the Nasal Septum

Our novel technique peels back the layers, offering an unprecedented view of the nasal septum from above, unlike the traditional through-the-nostril perspective. This full exposure allows for a meticulous, tailored correction of the septum, addressing even the most complex deviations. Whether your concern lies in cosmetic symmetry or the pursuit of unimpeded breathing, our method paves the way for a transformative recovery, guided by Dr. Newman's expertise in plastic surgery.

Refined nasal profile after corrective nose surgery for Newman Plastic Surgery, Temecula

Start Your Journey to a New You!