Other Breast Shape Procedures

Embrace Your Shape

Identifying Breast Shape Concerns

When considering breast augmentation, reduction, or lift, patients may not always recognize subtle breast shape issues. Dr. David Newman ensures a thorough consultation to pinpoint and address these concerns, enhancing overall satisfaction with the results.

Common Breast Shape Issues

  • Breast Asymmetry: A difference in the shape and size of the right and left breast. It may occur due to variations in skin or breast tissue quantity or quality. Dr. Newman offers tailored treatments to achieve symmetry.

    Tight Lower Pole of the Breast: Characterized by underdevelopment of the breast below the nipple, leading to a small appearance and downward-pointing nipples. This issue affects up to 20% of patients seeking breast augmentation and can be significantly improved with treatment.

    Tubular Breast Shape: A relatively uncommon condition where breast tissue is minimal in the breast mound but exists within the areola, resulting in a small breast appearance. Treatment options can substantially enhance breast shape and size.

    Variations of Poland Syndrome: This rare condition involves the complete absence of the pectoralis muscle, leading to concerns about breast size, asymmetry, or chest wall shape. Dr. Newman provides specialized treatments to improve breast and chest shape for patients with Poland syndrome.

Comprehensive Solutions

  • Implant Size and Type: Tailoring the augmentation to your vision involves choosing between saline and silicone implants, as well as deciding on the ideal size for balance and beauty.

  • Placement and Incisions: Discuss the benefits of placing implants over or under the muscle, and the incision site, to ensure the best aesthetic and functional outcomes.

  • Postoperative Care: Dr. Newman and his team provide thorough guidance on recovery, ensuring comfort and optimal healing, with a stepwise return to exercise and normal activities.

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