
Achieve Your Ideal Shape

Transformative Liposuction

Struggling with stubborn fat deposits that diet and exercise can't touch? Liposuction in Temecula with Dr. Newman offers a solution to sculpt and refine your body's contours. Targeting areas like the lower abdomen, hips, thighs, and knees, liposuction smooths out the "love handles," "saddlebags," and "muffin tops" to restore the clean lines that define your natural beauty.

Liposuction: Art and Science Combined

Artistic Perspective: By removing these interruptions in your body's contour, liposuction not only enhances your silhouette but also contributes to an overall perception of length and narrowness, elevating your aesthetic appeal.

Misconceptions Cleared: Contrary to common beliefs, liposuction is not a weight loss procedure but a highly safe method of sculpting the body, thanks to minimal incisions and preservation of blood vessels.

Innovative Techniques for Enhanced Results

Power-Assisted Liposuction: This advanced method ensures efficient fat removal, especially in challenging areas, by first infusing the tissue with fluid and then gently suctioning the fat, offering a smoother, more contoured finish.

Comprehensive Treatment Areas: From traditional targets like the abdomen and thighs to specific concerns such as arm and "muffin top" liposuction, Dr. Newman tailors the procedure to address your unique problem areas.

Start Your Journey to a New You!