Eyelid Surgery

Revealing Radiance, Restoring Youth

A Vision of Youth

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, in Temecula revitalizes your eyes, transforming tired, sagging eyelids to reflect a rested, youthful spirit. This delicate procedure targets the upper and lower eyelids, addressing droopiness, puffiness, and the ravages of time with precision and artistry, starting at $2,000.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery - Swift Healing for Revitalized Eyelids
Eyelid Surgery Recovery - Swift Healing for Revitalized Eyelids

The Art of Eyelid Sculpting

Eyelid surgeries are not one-size-fits-all; they're meticulously tailored, ranging from reconstructive efforts post-skin cancer removal to cosmetic enhancements for a rejuvenated appearance. Dr. Newman specializes in restoring seamless contours around the eyes, enhancing both beauty and function through various state-of-the-art techniques.

Beyond the Eyes: Comprehensive Restoration

Understanding that eyelid concerns often accompany broader facial aging signs, Dr. Newman may recommend complementary procedures like facelifts or brow lifts. Emphasizing functional preservation, these combined treatments ensure a harmonious, naturally youthful result, safeguarding essential eyelid operations such as moisture retention and protective closure.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery - Swift Healing for Revitalized Eyelids

Start Your Journey to a New You!