Arm Lift

Achieve Toned and Beautiful Arms

Why Consider an Arm Lift?

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a transformative procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms, counteracting the effects of aging, weight fluctuations, and loss of skin elasticity. This procedure is ideal for those seeking a more toned and contoured arm appearance, enhancing overall physical confidence and complementing your silhouette.

Your Arm Lift Journey

  • Personalized Consultation: A consultation with Dr. Newman is the first step towards achieving your desired arm appearance. It's an opportunity to discuss your goals and explore how an arm lift can address issues like skin laxity and the "bat wing" appearance in the upper arms.

  • Procedure Explained: Arm lift surgery is tailored to each patient, involving the removal of excess tissue and possibly incorporating liposuction for optimal contouring. The approach varies based on individual needs, ensuring a result that aligns with your aesthetic vision.

  • Anesthesia and Comfort: General anesthesia is used to ensure comfort during the procedure, complemented by local numbing injections for postoperative pain management. Dr. Newman prioritizes minimizing discomfort, aiming for a recovery where patients quickly transition off pain medication.

FAQs Addressed

  • Pain Management: While no surgery is entirely pain-free, arm lift procedures are reported to have very tolerable pain levels, with most patients ceasing pain medication within days post-surgery.

  • Incision and Scarring: Incisions are typically made along the inside of the upper arm, extending from the armpit to the elbow, and are designed to be discreet. For less extensive lifting, a shorter incision may be utilized in the armpit area. Dr. Newman employs techniques to minimize and manage scarring effectively, aiming for scars that are barely noticeable once fully healed.

  • Ideal Candidates: Good candidates for an arm lift are those in overall good health, with stable weight for at least a year prior to the procedure. This ensures the best possible outcomes and longevity of results.

Start Your Journey to a New You!